The Vagina Monoblogs

Vaginismus, the official Vagina Monoblogs definition (for the sexually impaired-impaired):
Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction triggered by a wide variety of causes that makes intercourse or penetration painful or in many cases impossible by triggering unconscious spasms of the surrounding muscles.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Froogle Virgin's Guide to Homeopathic Alternatives! (Etc.)

You come up with some interesting stuff when you enter the word "Vaginismus" into Froogle, Google's consumer companion. I'm gonna list some of the more interesting and promising links, only most of which are actually homeopathic. Forgive me my misleading rhetoric.

I'd like to state very clearly and for the record that The Vagina Monoblogs neither recommend nor endorse these products. I've never used or thoroughly researched any of what I'm about to link to, I'm merely trying to make people aware of products so that they then can research on their own. I would recommend, in the instances most of the below, that a Doctor be consulted before use. How do you like that, you legal liability seeking scum!

Uh, not you. Lawyers and such.

Liddell PMS Spray-- Here's a sexy little number that claims to help with all sorts of vulvar, vaginal and menstrual symptoms. The website refers to it as homeopathic, and there's a listing of which active ingredients in the formula do what. This says that something called Magnesia Phosphorica 9x (Magnesium Phosphate, Dibasic) "Provides natural pain relief; relieves intermittent lower abdominal cramps; helps prevent menstrual cycle irregularities (early menses); eases ovarian neuralgia; and alleviates painful spasms of the vagina (vaginismus)" and that a little something called Chamomilla 12x (Chamomile) is a "Natural anti-spasmodic remedy", as well as many other benefits that aren't directly related to Vaginismus. Check it out. At four dollars a bottle, this (with the proper research and investigation) could be your ticket to less painful progress in a very affordable way.

A site Called Rx Homeo claims that Cactus, Plumbum Met, and especially Belladonna all help with the problem, but it doesn't give any information on why or how. "Remedies" are 14.50 each, for a month's supply. Another site talks about Oligotherapy Remedies and provides some more affordable supplements at 7.95 each that can allegedly help with a full range of problems. This one sites that Magnesium, Lithium, Allumiunum and Copper are the Vaginismus-Friedly ingredients. Uh...Lithium???

EvaMax II is's answer to the painful penetration pickle. Like so many products on the market, their first claim is to help with menstral problems, then mentions intercourse pain as a secondary issue. It's a two part system, made up of DeToxiA and MoodMax, at least the first of which isn't vegan friendly. (Animal testicle extract??) I would definitely talk to a doctor or other expert before starting this regiment, as the maker of these products is claiming the Vaginismus is caused by inelasticty of the vaginal tissue...which, correct me if I'm wrong, either seems to be only part of the truth or not the truth at all.

I'll be sure to do some further investigations on this one. I'm a little wary of it. I'll also try and do us all a favor and visit my local GNC sometime soon to see if they can give me some insight into why these kinds of things (specifically magnesium) are helpful.

I've been sitting on this post in draft form for about a week and half now trying to find the time to finish up the second half. I think perhaps it would be better to make this a two-parter. Stay Tuned!


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