The Vagina Monoblogs

Vaginismus, the official Vagina Monoblogs definition (for the sexually impaired-impaired):
Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction triggered by a wide variety of causes that makes intercourse or penetration painful or in many cases impossible by triggering unconscious spasms of the surrounding muscles.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Poll Dancin'

I'd like to give a quick mention to the people at who are being especially helpful in furnishing information on their vaginimus-related tape. I will have a few review soon.
In other news, the reason this post is so small, and entitled "Poll Dancin'", is because it was supposed to be a post devoted to the poll it would have had on it. Unfortunately, blogger does not appreaciate my javascript friends at this time. After four days of frustation and three different polling services I...well, I'm not gonna give up. Because that would set a bad example to my many many admirers, suffering from Vaginismus, who should not, will not, cannot give up in their own personal frustrtating quest! I WILL GET A POLL ON THIS DAMN SITE! AND WE WILL ALL BE CURED!
Well, I mean, not because of the poll. It's just a symbol I'm using to represent perseverance. What kind of blogger would I be if I promised you a poll could make you all better? Jeesum.


  • At January 2, 2005 at 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice work, Kiddo. I think this site will help a lot of people, not to mention the author. I will pass the link along.


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