The Vagina Monoblogs

Vaginismus, the official Vagina Monoblogs definition (for the sexually impaired-impaired):
Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction triggered by a wide variety of causes that makes intercourse or penetration painful or in many cases impossible by triggering unconscious spasms of the surrounding muscles.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Quick update to sustain y'all

I've just started training at a new job, I'm suffering from some severe sleep disorders (can't sleep all night and so do it in the daytime) , and it's end-of-the-semester at college right now, so time is not abounding for me to update right now, but I should have some time to pump out a little something this weekend.

For now, though I invite you to check out the Physical Therapy Journal of a one Miss JeriBeri, who's comments have been gracing my site.

Thanks, JeriBeri, for putting more information out there.

Freakin' tired. Going to bed.


  • At January 8, 2005 at 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just had a quick look at Jeriberi's journal and noticed the explanation her therapist used concerning a sore elbow. I find when im explaining my condition to people, i use the example of your eye developing a reflex to shutting when something is poked in it eg-"ow! wont let that happen again!!" which is kind of similar to what happens to the vagina with a woman who suffers from vaginismus. So uh, just a little suggestion, maybe more easily understood explanations (rather than the medical jargon which doesnt quite explain how it feels, despite its accuracy) for those unlucky enough to not belong to our exclusive club. Because i find most people go 'oh you poor thing! i understand exactly what you mean' and are secretly thinking 'oh loosen up!....just RELAX and you'll be fine'... and you probably know quite well how the word 'relax' makes a vag sufferer's blood boil.

    Allie-from primary vaginismus support group

  • At January 12, 2005 at 4:24 PM, Blogger Elle Emaitch (A pseudonym-- first name is Linda) said…


    Very good point about the word "relax".

    Interestingly enough, while going through physical therapy one day, my therapist hooked me up to these little electrode things which monitered the movements of my PC muscles on a graph-- when I tensed up, the graph would go up, and when I loosened, it would fall. The first time we tried it, I couldn't sustain the tightening, so after she would tell me to "tighten" I would and it would spike, then come about halfway down, but when she told me to relax, it would spike again before it fell without me knowing I had tightened again-- indicating that, unconsciously, the word "relax" was a huge sore spot for me and had just the opposite effect. Maybe this was because I was bothered by people telling me I just need to relax, and maybe it was because I had learned through trying to overcome this myself that when I told myself to relax, that's when my husband would try again and there would be more pain. Either way, there's something to be learned from it. In our next session, after I had been practicing, we replaced the word "relax" with the word "release." This worked much better for me.


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